About Let the Light Shine

Let the Light Shine aims to promote education of needy students and to bring the educational dreams of extremely poor individuals in reality within our capability in the region.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

Education will be better if parents and communities are involved in the educational development of their children. It will also strengthen civil society. To raise awareness, the LTLS have found Parent Teacher Association group (PTA) as a selection committee as follow;

i. Ms.Jowana (Teacher, No (1) state of high school in Loikaw Township)
ii. Ms. Selin (Teacher, middle school in Kaung Tar village, Loikaw Township)
iii. Mr. Maung Khung (Parent, state of high school in Demoso Township)
iv. Ms.Christin Nu Nu (Teacher, state of high school in Phruso Township)
v. Mr.Maung Sein (Parent, Dawtanaw village, Loikaw Township)
vi. Ms.May Thu Aung ( Teacher, N0. (2) state of high school in Loikaw Township)

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