About Let the Light Shine

Let the Light Shine aims to promote education of needy students and to bring the educational dreams of extremely poor individuals in reality within our capability in the region.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Education is our First Priority

Education is our First Priority. As mentioned above in the background of the statement of Kayah State, the general standard of living in the rural areas is very low. There is a vicious cycle. The standard of living is low because the majority of people in the region are uneducated. Education is low because poverty deprives them of the opportunity to study. Low standard of living, low education, and poverty form an on-going cycle. There is a need to help them break the cycle step by step.

Education is the pressing need of people of Kayah State. To break the brutal cycle that the people in Kayah State are trapped in, and to work for the development of the community, we firmly believe that we must begin with promotion of education. In other words, education must come first. Promotion of education of poor children in the region must be given top-priority. We must promote it in every possible way we can. And it is a long-term and step-by-step approach.

Promoting of education of young people in the region is the most practical and best way to work toward regional and social development of Kayah State. Only when many people in the region are educated, will they be able to alleviate the poverty they are in. They will be able to help raise the standard of living for the people in their own community. They will be able to work for and serve the community they belong to.

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