About Let the Light Shine

Let the Light Shine aims to promote education of needy students and to bring the educational dreams of extremely poor individuals in reality within our capability in the region.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Background of Kayah State

Location: Kayah State is situated in eastern Myanmar and bounded on the north by Shan State. on the east by Thailand and on the south and west by Kayin State. It lies approximately between 18° 30' and 19° 55' north latitude and between 94°40' and 97° 93' east longitute. The area is 4,530 sq miles.Being a section of eastern plateau, its bed-rocks are of igneous stratified and metamorphic types. Relating with those rocks, alabaster, tin, wolfram, shellac are found. Red earth is mostly found. There are fertile paddy lands in Loikaw plains through which Balu stream flows. The highland area has the wet climate of mild-hot regions and the low-lying areas have the climate of Savanna and monsoon climate of the tropical regions. In winter, the average temperature of the highland areas is below 40°F (4.4°C) and that of the low lying areas is 62.6°F (17°C). In May, the hottest month, the average temperature is 77.4°F (25°C). The annual rainfall in low-lying areas is about 38.43 inches. The highland areas get more rain.
Population, inhabitants, religion and dialects: The estimated population in 1996 had been over 240,000 and the population density is about 53 persons per sq mile. The population density in Loikaw and Dimawhso Townships where there are vast plains, is more than 100 persons per sq mile. Mountainous townships are sparsely populated. The resident national races are Kayah, Kayan (Padaung), Paye, Yinbaw, Yinkale, Paki Kayin and small racial groups such as Manumanao, Gaykho, Gaybar etc. In addition, there are few numbers of Shan, Intha, Bamar living along Balu stream in the north. Pa-o nationals can be found on surrounding hills.

Traditional and cultural festivals: Kutobo or the flag mast festival, is the most important one among many religious festivals of the Kayah people. In accordance with traditions, the festival is held annually village by village. Kayah State Day falls on 15 January, every year.

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