About Let the Light Shine

Let the Light Shine aims to promote education of needy students and to bring the educational dreams of extremely poor individuals in reality within our capability in the region.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Mid-Wfie Training Project

Name of the Project:

To improve knowledge of health education

Project Period:

June 2007-December 2007

Funded by: Daughter of Charity

Project Goal:

Our primary goal is to help young people from remote rural area of Kayah State to have access to appropriate public health education.

Project Objective:

To increase the standard of health and healthcare services in remote rural areas

Project Beneficiaries

We will select 2 persons from each village from Khabe Parish, Loikaw Diocese, Myanmar. There are 6 villages in Khabe Parish. So, total will be 12 persons. We mostly focus on women.

Project outcome result

12 young women will finish 6 month mid-wife training and will able to serve as community leader
They will have less problems relating with health in those 6 villages
mortality rate will be decrease.
To raise the health awareness of people in that area will be raised

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