About Let the Light Shine

Let the Light Shine aims to promote education of needy students and to bring the educational dreams of extremely poor individuals in reality within our capability in the region.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Contact Persons

More information please contact to:

Ko K. Soe
2264 E. 15th Street Brooklyn,
NY 11229
Tel: 718-676-5378,
Cell: 646-789-3933
Email: kokosoe@gmail.com

Ms.Rita Si Si Lwin
GSU Box 2192
403 Main Street,
Grambling, LA 71245
Tel: (318)607-4342
Email: ritalwin@gmail.com

Monday, September 3, 2007

Achievement of the Students

They are high school graduated and continue to study at Loikaw University and One of student are now studying in Phillipine.

orphanages children

We also support orphanages children from Khabe village for their living, education and health.

Mid-Wfie Training Project

Name of the Project:

To improve knowledge of health education

Project Period:

June 2007-December 2007

Funded by: Daughter of Charity

Project Goal:

Our primary goal is to help young people from remote rural area of Kayah State to have access to appropriate public health education.

Project Objective:

To increase the standard of health and healthcare services in remote rural areas

Project Beneficiaries

We will select 2 persons from each village from Khabe Parish, Loikaw Diocese, Myanmar. There are 6 villages in Khabe Parish. So, total will be 12 persons. We mostly focus on women.

Project outcome result

12 young women will finish 6 month mid-wife training and will able to serve as community leader
They will have less problems relating with health in those 6 villages
mortality rate will be decrease.
To raise the health awareness of people in that area will be raised

Meeting with Students

Meeting witht the students in every 3 months by leading of PTA in each township. PTA reviews all the situation how is their grade result whether they can follow the class. Student also shares their situation.

Student X'mas gathering in December 2006

Bosco, Founder of the program monitoring trip to Loikaw in 2004

Student gathering in Loikaw, December 2005

Monitoring and Evaluation Plan:

We organized student gathering in December each year. LTLS inspires and supports student to identify and achieve their goals through mentoring, sharing, learning experiences, and participation in student gathering.

Monitoring by LTLS staff and PTA to visit to teacher who are taking care of student in each township and also did home visiting to student house twice a year. LTLS staff encourage to parent and student to aware of the value of education.

Closely working with the Church and regular meeting with PTA that LTLS staffs make the program going well and knowing strength and weakness of LTLS program and communities can improve LTLS’s activities for the future.

Project beneficiaries

To fulfill our objectives of “To provide high school and middle school students from poor families with basic necessities such as books and school fees, school uniforms”, LTLS has been supported to the students as follow:

LTLS supported 20 students in 2004-05 academic year with funded by OSI.

LTLS supported 43 students in 2005-06 academic year.

LTLS has been continuing to support 42 students in this academic year in 2006-07 and 45 students in the academic year of 2007-08.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Future Plan for 2008-09:

: To support matriculated students in pursuing their education in colleges and universities in Myanmar

: To support young candidate from remote rural area of Kayah State to have access to appropriate public health education training to be health worker

: To develop youth and student community-involvement, leadership, and inter-ethnic cooperation